She's Complicated: An Explanation for Her & a Guide for Him

7:11 PM

In the past 28 years I have been called almost every name under the sun; not that I believe I am anything anyone says but I guess people have free time at their hand.


And due to recent encounters and some unasked-for opinion of others, I would like to address the “complicated” reputation or allegation I have had against me.


And from one complicated person to another; here are few truths about the reason behind this uncalled-for drama.


I believe we are all complex creatures, we all have our quirks both positive and negative, through years living on this earth we acquire this complicated thing called experiences and that ladies and gentlemen is what sets us apart from others, so it’s not just me, we are all complicated in our own ways and things get simpler with those who have an “experience” with.


From my own share of “experiences” and great judge of characters after all these years. I have written few of my thoughts on the matter.


I’m not complicated you just don’t know me… yet!

This will be my opening statement and to any man whoever encounters a complicated woman I think I would speak for us all.

Regardless of the gender or the topic buddy! If you ever find something or someone “not easy” to understand that means they just have a different “experience” than yours or there are some aspects of that person that are yet to come out.


Years of Trauma and Drama

Goes back to the previous point of not knowing the person you are dealing with, men or people in general should stop expecting knowing eventing in one day, high school took you 12 years, uni takes around 4 and yet, you still don’t know everything.

Think about it.


People who are categorised as “complex” or “complicated” might have seen things words fail to describe.


One world, one life but different realities

Now this post is mainly targeted to men, hence the fact I’m rephrasing the same point in different ways, but again those are my words against years of hearing how impossible I can be, I know self-reflection at its best.


Listen, understand and keep it to yourself.

This is how to navigate a complicated woman; listen don’t give advice or share your opinion. Understand where this behaviour is coming from and connect the dots through what is she saying and keep those details to yourself alongside your opinions.


Simple, no!

Too simple for a complicated topic…. Sarcasm in case someone took this seriously.

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