Content Marketing - Social Media’s Recipe to Success

7:00 PM

We are not "Social" any more, we "socialize media".
Normal people, world leaders, businesses even your Auntie is now throwing campaigns to promote something.
And since we lost the primitive way of communication  "speech" we communicate now through online portals by "content"

Visual, sound or text... it's content.
Everything you see, hear, or write... is content

I got into the social media world with a writer background, one year in I realised I got a skill that fits perfectly in this field.
Rolled up my sleeves and focused on Content Marketing before anything else.
I’m not the best, I'm not the only, I don't know it all, and NO! not all my stories are success stories.
But I've worked hard enough to know this...
Social Media Successful Marketing comes from Well thought through content.
I'll do my best explaining how, #Foodie inspired type of writing.

A Business, Public Figure or a Cause.
A Creative Content Marketing Manager/Writer
And a set of balls and knowledge

Basically business 101 with a sprinkle of marketing 101:
Building a brand – for Companies
Image Building – for Public Figures
Raising Awareness - For Causes
Put them in a blender turn them into “Online Persona” – for Social Media (Public Figures)

Take the “Online Persona” and give it the following seasoning:
- Companies – (Vision, Mission, Values)
- Public Figures – (Aspiration, Impact, Beliefs)
- Causes – (Target, Goals, Achievements)
Turn on the blender one more time to get a smooth mixture of “Message” this will be the aura around your “Online Persona” that should steer the “language” of the content you’re creating.

With that texture you created aka “Message” you now have a road to pave or walk on, you now have an online identity (some are legit messages some are not, anyway) and this is where it leads to the most awesome, surely the most important element of this entire thing….

Targeting audience
Facebook and social media people will hate me… but it’s about the quality not the quantity of people who follow you!
If you have a clear "Message" mostly a true message the right people will find you, they will like you and if you are selling anything they probably will buy from you…

The final dish here is knowing who to sell to, who to talk to, who to inspire, in which “Language” should you speak in…
It’s all about the Audience in the end! Moreover, it’s all about the content you create to attract your people.

And this ooh so fancy dish of yours will sit on the table of “Audience Behaviour” or “Online Behaviour” and that’s a different world to get involved in because every case is unique and I don't have the right equation yet! But if I did I will share…
One last thing!
There’s no such thing as “The Perfect Content” don’t buy into that ****
There’s a well-executed content, copycatted, and poor content.
And you need a good understanding of your “Persona” to be able to figure it out.
ps, Those are the elements I use when designing my content strategy for clients, the "language" helps me with Hashtags as well, not only scripting the text content itself.

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