I Hate Working with Women

1:31 PM

Yesterday was International Women's Day and as a woman myself I should be celebrating!

We have come so far from the kitchen and whatever crap someone would say we came far from.


See my reality is different than most and I tent to live in the present rather than a past I wasn’t even part of.

I’m a daughter of a working woman that raised 5 children while my dad was a standard father who rarely came home for, he had to work.


But my society doesn’t represent me, and I don’t represent it either, I hate working with women in it since reality here is different than the world.


I’ll prove it…


Working women is in demand in a corporate field believe it or not. Employers seek women in certain industries and filed for a feminine touch is powerful.

But this society offers no working women, just unproper, poorly educated females who are still trying to succeed in their birth right goal of going back to the kitchen.


Let me put it this way…


A girl’s goal “where I come from” is finding a husband and there is no shame in that, I myself dream of a family of my own and a husband to share this journey with BUT I wasn’t raised as this is the only resort but rather an option I would enjoy having (ps. With my current life and how’s I going this is mission impossible) while other deem this the only purpose in life and it translates in workplace.


A girl where I come from is raised and prepared for her future husband, everything she is and all she’ll ever be is a wife and a mother, so when she fails in scoring a husband at young age, going to college seems a good place to scout prospects a degree is a must in case this route is a bust, so automatically a job is a good place to find the one and she will search and search until very predicted outcomes are in place (I will never go deep in that topic though)


So, what does that leave me with; untalented and ill experienced women to hire and work with, who has fears of loneliness and becoming a spinster which translates in an uncalled female rivalry and vindictive behaviour towards her female colleagues and bosses.

Oh, and the jealousy, sometimes I feel like I’m her non-existent husband’s ex-wife. I’m not exaggerating I am speaking from experience I swear.

And due to their poor upbringing and lack of morals you can’t really speak to them or direct them nor advise them. They have a mind of their own.


I didn’t make it this far being intitled with no titles, and making my fellow females understand that is just as impossible for me as to find a husband to them.


This is the majority, but I have to admit, I met some kick ass women married and unmarried throughout the course of my life, this post is not for them.

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