Making Peace with the Past

10:00 AM

It's a New Year, new expectations and new Dreams!
I will not write about how to get them or how to achieve, I've done my fair share!
Today though, I will write about the past, since I know that life is a battlefield and everyone goes through different wars, the skeletons and ghosts in our closets! They are no good if they’re  ganna be hidden and not dealt with.I dealt with mine recently, so I thought what the heck lets share, who cares.

Shining a light on the ghost and guiding them through the light. Putting the bones the ground where they belong and wish them peace!
It might sound hard to do, but if you put your mind to it, don't second guess yourself and make sure you never look back.

It can also help to remember this:
You're in charge of making yourself happy.
No one is as strong as you are; No one can do it but you.
After the storm comes a rainbow.
There's only up from rock bottom.
The past is a lesson, Learn from it and move on!
Nothing is lost, just changed.
You can't undo, rewind or go back in time, the past is in the past.
Wish for the best, work for the best.
If you gave up on your story, who will write it then! -a ghost writer.

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