Say "I Come First"

11:57 PM

This one is for the ladies, since men don't need help in this department, you know! since they're doing it for themselves, to themselves and doing everything on two legs to please themselves.
Women on the other hand are by nature "Mothers" and a lot don't notice that they're "Mothering" everything and everyone around them, as in being expressively caring and tolerant, don't get it twisted.

I see it a lot, they do everything for everyone, think about what they should and shouldn't do, hoping they will appreciate it to say the least!
what... what are you thinking!!?
No darling no one will appreciate, not until it's gone -it's the same exact time you decide you're fed up of course.
and NO to you, stop doing whatever you think you're doing, cause you're doing it wrong... more likely you're doing it to the wrong people.

Do you want me to tell you who should you do it for!!?
I will... YOU!

I have a simple rule and it goes like this...
If you're not married and don't have children, you only take care of you!
If you have parents who took care of you as a child, you should take care of them too.
If you don't check both statement provided above... then you take care of you, you come first, you do you, got it!
doubt it, but you can't blame me for trying now can you!

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