Friends come & go... but boyfriends can become Husbands!

5:30 AM

I'll get it over with and confess...
Yes! I'm old fashioned, and yes I will choose my boyfriend over my Guy-friend any time... every time!
And believe it or not, I don't believe in Marriage but I believe in a forever bond and true love! 

I don't have feelings for my guy friend, but I know I crossed his mind more than twice at night!
I'm delighted to know that I crossed my man's mind at night! better tell me about it.
I'm not in this dilemma to write about it, I'm writing about it cause others around me are, I'm too smart to make this mistake and too single to care.

I'm no one to judge here, cause when I was in a relationship I was smart enough to divide and concur.
I never mixed oil with water, I didn't want my best guy friend to be friends with my boyfriend,  vise versa!
But if I were to choose, I'll choose my man!
cause men are different than us, they don't look at the guy you knew for 10 years and think "he fancies her", they look at his behaviour and think "ooh he missed his window and now he wants to break in"
no really!
If your friend didn't ring the alarm the fireman wouldn't come to the rescue.

You need to set your priorities straight, choose who comes first in every situations, but make sure it's always your call and no one else's.

A little guide I mentally follow:

Whom you knew longest, this is my favourite cause time matters, and you cannot sell out years for days or months.

Are they truly your friends, now this is an important step since you can have a friend for 10 years but they don't put you first or care as much as you think, they are just simply someone who you see once in a blue moon.

A Friend with a crush situation, get rid of them, and stop leading them on!

Your Boyfriends/Girlfriend status, everyone dates but that doesn't mean it will last, know for sure if the one you are with wants to have a future with you, cause if you put them first and then they leave, you have lost a friend for their sake and it wasn't worth it *blame yourself though not them*.

I think those tips will be enough for now to get you in the place you need to be.
so good luck!

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